Celestial Gala
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Linda Sivrican
Butterfly Nebula, Scorpius
Effervescent Esters (Marine, Citrus, White Floral), Lactonic Dust (Milky Gourmand), Cosmic Nitro Musk Accord (Musk), Lucent Ice Particles (Metallic Mint)
The scent of a grand Celestial Gala in the dramatically beautiful Butterfly Nebula. She's a dying star ejecting euphoric emissions, causing a fête of frenzy and altered state of ecstasy. Young fashionable supernal beings traverse through distant constellations to revel in her gossamer glow, to get intoxicated, space out and to just let loose.
“I envisioned Butterfly Nebula's dancing gossamer wings, a fleeting cooling sensation one might encounter in space, and the enigmatic warmth radiating from her pastel neon glow. It combines pop and punk with elusive and elegant. ”
-Linda Sivrican